Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Night Before

It is warm and peaceful now. All the volunteers are back from their big day off, after a week of training for the summer program. Lights are on everywhere, but other than that, there is no sign of life out on the grounds except for the usual mob of moths flocking around the spotlights.

I am pretty sure we're ready for the Summer Program to begin. A friend dropped by to visit tonight as we were doing some finishing touches on props for the family gathering tomorrow night. She has been a part of Trinita's life since she came here as a child with her family. She dropped by to share with us about her recent mission trip to Tanzania. She presented us with a beautiful gift of a wood carving of Jesus as shepherd, reminding us of 2008 when our summer theme was "The Lord is our Shepherd."

This carving is a beautiful sign of how love received wants to be shared. Colleen, and Karen, and the thirteen Missionary Cenacle Volunteers who have come from all corners of America to serve with us, and so many others who serve with us in so many ways, are all moved by this desire to give, to love, to be a part of something meaningful.

Tomorrow, the bus arrives. There are still some messes to clean up, some chores to do, some groceries to buy. But tonight, as I walk around in the peace of the warm night, I feel only gratitude. I think we're ready.

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