Friday, November 30, 2012

The Last Day

This is the last day of the month. It's also (almost) the last day of the liturgical year. It also feels like the end of our season for giving program, as December is a pretty light month for us and we don't host groups in January.

What is life at Trinita like this moment? Pitch black outside, though it's only 5 pm. Little flakes of snow have been wisping down all afternoon, so things were getting whiter outside my window, until it became too dark to see. The Christmas decorations are already up, because we had Girls Night Out last night. The MOMs group is eternal, I guess, no matter what it's called or how often they get together.

Dottie led the meeting last night. The theme was Hope. Like with a capital H. Yeah, I needed to here it. I will never adjust to the long dark days of winter in New England. And it's not even winter yet!

What are the signs of Hope in these dark days? We had many trees cut down a few weeks ago. I am sad to see them gone. I've known some of them personally for decades now. But a few days after they were cut down, a friend of Trinita showed up with fifteen blue spruce saplings. He planted a symbolic Christmas Tree farm next to Cabin 3!

The best sign of life and hope here at Trinita is not the trees, however. We had our annual Christ the King celebration this past Saturday. At the end of the day, we had mass in the Lodge as we always do. At the mass, we received four new candidates into the MCA. And even more momentous, five women made their Act of Consecration and became full members of the MCA.

So even though the weather and the dead trees have me down, I must confess that there is plenty of new life here. It's the end of another year. But the Year of Faith is the beginning of a great new year.

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