We're going to give a workshop for graduating seniors in a few weeks called "How to Stay Catholic." It's kind of bold, I know. Like we've got a recipe, and if you follow it, you'll never let go of your faith. Well, of course, we don't exactly. This is one of those "what the heck, might as well give it a try" kind of projects we dream up when we're sitting around chewing over some problem or issue while peeling apples or something. We've just got to do something, anything. Anything is better than nothing.
No one else is feeding them pancakes and telling them the magic formula. So, let's us do it! How bad can it be? At least it will be fun, that's guaranteed.
Because it's here. We have that room full of beat up old couches. It just is more fun, automatically, in the room with the old couches. In February, we had 20 married couples in there for mass. They renewed their wedding vows. It was really special, seeing their faces, all those couples, our friends, renewing their vows all at the same time. And then we had cake!
And then in March we had thirty 2nd graders and their moms and/or dads crowded in for a First Communion retreat. That was a really fun day! We did our "Two Tables" presentation and did crafts and sang "His Banner Over Me" and watched "Grandma's Bread."
And this past week, we had a pot luck for our Mom friends. Good food, just hanging out together until... well, I am not sure when they left. I went down to the Cenacle to go to bed at around 10 PM.